I have found with most of my journeys, that if I am heading in the right direction it is like stepping on a land mine. Kablamm! Stepping out in faith, for me anyway, has a way of setting all sorts of things in motion. It's sort of like moving your furniture, you find all sorts of things. Some things are happy little surprises and others are like a rude slap in the face.
Searching for a new way to express yourself has definite challenges. I am searching for sweetness, so I try different words and hold my tongue, even though it doesn't seem to others I am holding back. I know that change always comes with its unique challenges - choosing the right direction, the best way to phrase things and finding comfort in your chameleon skin. Then there are those around you that see you one way and are going to, at all cost, keep you in that mold... no matter what. So, it's tough. Please forgive my missteps as I find my new footing, I am sure the end results will be well worth it.
So even though I want to only use the past as a place I have been and take the lessons learned, I have no desire to live there. Let's face it, it wasn't that great the first go round. Deep Breath... let it go and reach toward the joy that lies ahead. Yes, that is a much better place.
Those dark little surprise that will most definitely pop up from time to time need to be dealt with appropriately. The ugliness that jumps out and wants to grab me needs to know that, while I appreciate your desire to mess up my life and jerk me around, I do not chose to acknowledge you - HA, so there!!! If my mind does not dwell in the past, or negativity, or ugliness, or pain then those things do not have a grip on me.
This week I am focusing on the Happy Surprises, the Joys, the mind bending Positive Possibilities. I know this can be a challenge and feel uncomfortable or awkward, but that is where I am setting my thoughts. When a dark, negative thought starts to creep in I will say, "thank you for stopping by, now be on your way I don't have time for you." Then I will flood my thoughts with things that make me smile. :) Some time ago, I even wrote little notes, filled with happiness and joy as reminders of what I should be thinking about. I think I will do that again, weird as it sounds it helped. I am a very visual person and to see those notes just drove the point in a little deeper.
Have patience with yourself and the ones you love... look for the unexpected joys and share at least one happy thought with someone today!
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